Trainer Certification
All registered team Trainers that are part of an on-bench team staff compliment must currently be certified as a Trainer or must have completed Trainer’s certification by January 31st of the current playing season.
Current certification in one or more of the following will deem an individual eligible to register as a trainer with RAS. Proof of certification must be provided.
Certification in any of the following capacities within the previous 5 years:
• Medical Doctor/Student
• RN or LPN
• FireFighter
• Athletic or Physical Therapist
Current certification in any of the standard first aid courses conducted by:
• Red Cross
• St.John’s Ambulance
This is valid for 3 years…a certificate of completion is required.
For equivalency, course content from another provider of first aid training may be submitted for consideration.
Ringette Saskatchewan will recognize only one registered Trainer per team.
Proof of certification may be requested if not currently on file with the RAS.